Fayetteville, WV

November 3, 2018
Venue: The Grove

My time in Fayetteville was a special one. I first spent time here on October 31, my one day off on tour, staying at my new friends Christine & Chris’ farm. I helped out around the farm (cleaning/packing butchered chicken, making a new garden bed for garlic) and went trail running on the awesome New River Gorge. Christine also very generously spoke on camera with me about the hardships that one faces living in West Virginia.

Our venue, a few days later, was The Grove, an awesome and beloved music venue above The Secret Sandwich Society, an awesome and beloved sandwich shop. This show was everything I could've dreamed of. A full house, attentive ears, diverse audience, warm laughs, a feeling of being among welcoming friends and just sharing stories and music, even though I didn't know most of them. Most of this episode is straight up footage from the show. Thank you everyone who was there, thank you to The Grove, thank you Lewis.